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10 Stunning Smoothie Recipes with Cupuaçu Cream

10 Stunning Smoothie Recipes with Cupuaçu Cream

Cupuaçu, a tropical treasure from the heart of the Amazon, is not just a fruit; it’s a burst of flavour and nutrients waiting to enhance your smoothie experience. If you’re looking to add a new twist to your smoothie repertoire, cupuaçu cream offers a rich, exotic taste, packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. In this guide, we’ll explore 10 stunning smoothie recipes that showcase the versatility and health benefits of cupuaçu cream.

Table of Contents

Why Cupuaçu?

Cupuaçu (pronounced koo-poo-ah-soo) is revered for its creamy texture and a flavour profile that blends hints of chocolate, bananas, and pear. Beyond its unique taste, cupuaçu is a powerhouse of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and phytonutrients that promote heart health, boost the immune system, and offer anti-aging benefits. It’s the perfect ingredient for anyone looking to add a nutritional punch to their smoothies.


Preparing Your Cupuaçu Cream for Smoothies

Before diving into the recipes, let’s talk about preparation. Cupuaçu cream can be made by blending fresh cupuaçu pulp with a bit of water or milk to achieve a smooth, creamy consistency. If you’re using frozen pulp, ensure it’s thawed properly before blending. Store any unused cream in the fridge for up to a week or freeze in ice cube trays for longer storage.

10 Fast Smoothie Recipes with Cupuaçu Cream

1 - Tropical Sunrise Smoothie

Ingredients: 2 cups of cupuaçu cream, ½ cup orange juice, ½ banana, 1 tsp honey (optional), ice cubes.

Preparation: Blend all ingredients until smooth. Enjoy the refreshing taste of sunrise in a glass!

2 - Cupuaçu Energy Booster

Ingredients: 1 cup cupuaçu cream, ¼ cup rolled oats, 1 tbsp almond butter, 1 tsp chia seeds, 1 cup almond milk.

Preparation: Combine ingredients in a blender and process until smooth. This smoothie is perfect for a post-workout recharge or an energising breakfast.

3 - Green Detox Goddess Cupuaçu Smoothie

Ingredients: 2 cups of cupuaçu cream, 1 cup spinach, ½ avocado, 1 banana, 1 cup coconut water.

Preparation: Blend until creamy and smooth. This green delight is your go-to for a nutrient-packed, hydrating start to your day.

4 - Cupuaçu and Berry Bliss

Ingredients: 1 cup cupuaçu cream, ½ cup mixed berries (fresh or frozen), 1 banana, ½ cup Greek yoghourt, 1 tsp honey.

Preparation: Process all ingredients until smooth. Savour the blissful blend of cupuaçu and berries in this antioxidant-rich smoothie.

5 - Nutty Cupuaçu Delight

Ingredients: 1 cup cupuaçu cream, 2 tbsp peanut butter, 1 banana, 1 cup milk (any kind), 1 tbsp flax seeds.

Preparation: Blend ingredients until smooth for a creamy, nutty treat that’s both satisfying and nutritious.

6 - Cupuaçu Coconut Cooler

Ingredients: 1 cup cupuaçu cream, ½ cup coconut milk, ½ cup pineapple chunks, ice cubes.

Preparation: Combine ingredients and blend until smooth. This tropical cooler is the ultimate refreshment on a hot day.

7 - Cupuaçu Chia Seed Power Smoothie

Ingredients: 1 cup cupuaçu cream, 1 tbsp chia seeds (soaked), 1 banana, 1 cup spinach, 1 cup water.

Preparation: Blend until smooth. Packed with fiber and omega-3s, this smoothie is a fantastic way to kickstart your morning.

8 - Cupuaçu Mango Madness

Ingredients: 1 cup cupuaçu cream, 1 cup mango chunks, ½ banana, 1 cup orange juice.

Preparation: Just process until smooth. Dive into the madness of mango and cupuaçu for a vitamin C-rich treat.

9 - Cupuaçu Acai Antioxidant Fusion

Ingredients: 1 cup cupuaçu cream, ½ cup acai pulp, 1 banana, ½ cup blueberries, 1 cup apple juice.

Preparation: Blend all ingredients until smooth. Experience the antioxidant powerhouse of cupuaçu and acai in one glass.

10 - Spiced Cupuaçu Smoothie

Ingredients: 1 cup cupuaçu cream, 1 banana, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp ginger, 1 cup milk, 1 tbsp honey.

Preparation: Blend until smooth. Enjoy the warming spices mixed with the tropical flavors of cupuaçu.

Tips for Perfect Smoothies Every Time

For the smoothest texture, start by blending your liquid ingredients with cupuaçu cream before adding the solid ingredients. Use frozen fruit to chill your smoothies without diluting them. And don’t be afraid to adjust quantities to suit your taste preferences.

Cupuaçu Smooth


Incorporating cupuaçu cream into your smoothies not only adds a burst of exotic flavour but also boosts your nutritional intake. These 10 recipes are just the beginning; feel free to experiment and create your own cupuaçu concoctions. Happy blending!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is cupuaçu cream suitable for vegans?

Absolutely! Cupuaçu cream is plant-based and perfectly suitable for vegan diets. Just ensure that all other ingredients in your smoothie are also vegan.

How long can I store cupuaçu cream in the fridge?

Properly stored cupuaçu cream can last in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. For longer storage, freeze it.

Are these smoothie recipes suitable for kids?

Yes, these smoothie recipes are not only nutritious but also delicious and kid-friendly. Adjust the sweetness according to their taste.

Can I add protein powder to these smoothies?

Definitely! Feel free to add a scoop of your preferred protein powder to any of these smoothies for an extra protein boost.


Improve your Menu with 4 vegan recipes!

Açaí Nourish - mini eBook

This mini ebook was also created with inspiration from the flavors of the Amazon, but now we have separated 4 totally vegan recipes that are highly refreshing, nutritious, and loaded with antioxidants.

Each spoon of this superfood is rich in nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins.

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