The Ultimate Guide of Açaí:
Everything you need to know

A small, purple berry with a unique taste arrived from the other side of the planet. As we get to know acai (and find out it’s actually “açaí”) and fall in love with it, we also notice there is a lot to learn about this tiny superfruit.

So, from its origins to its benefits, from its types to tips about how to sell it, here’s a guide with everything you need to know about Amazon acai!

Brace yourself, knowledge is coming!

Where does açaí come from?

Acai is a berry found on native palm trees in Central and South Americas, especially in the Amazon Rainforest, in Brazil.  First things first: how to spell acai Even though this tropical berry arrived in the English language as acai, its original name is açaí.  Ç (C-cedilla) is a variant of the letter C originating from the Old Spanish language, which makes it a Latin script. In “açaí”, ç comes with the sound of “s”. Together with the acute accent mark on the letter I, açaí’s pronunciation becomes “ah-sah-ee”. Check açaí’s pronunciation according to Cambridge Dictionary.
Listen to açaí pronunciation below:

Credits: Rachels English

Before we continue, you should see our table of contents.
Yeah! It ‘s a huge list.

Table of Contents: Açaí - The Super and Ultimate Guide

Açaí meaning and history

Açaí comes from the Old Tupi word asa’y which means “crying fruit”, or “fruit that spells water”. Many ancient fruits have their origin explained by myths and legends, and with acai it’s no different. 

History tells that a native tribe from the North of Brazil had its population growing too fast and people started starving. Seeing his people suffering, the chief of the tribe established that every newborn would be condemned to death.

However, the chief’s daughter Iaçã was pregnant, and having her little girl killed by a command from her own father, she cried and prayed for God Tupã to end the tribe’s misery.

During the night, Iaçã heard the sound of a child crying coming from the forest. She followed the sound and saw her daughter on the top of a palm tree. Iaçã was found dead the next day. Her eyes were opened and staring at little berries on the top of a palm tree. 

From this day, Iaçã’s tribe started getting their food and sustenance from the berries. The sacrifice policy was overruled and the people never suffered from lack of food again. 

Açaí, as you can see, is the opposite of Iaçã. 

Amazon Açaí: the superfruit

Our dear “crying fruit” established itself as a base of the Brazilian northern region, where it’s usually eaten in sauces to accompany fish. 

It wasn’t until the 1970’s that Amazon acai started being spread throughout the other regions of Brazil. 

The energetic properties of acai were noticed by athletes, especially jiu-jitsu fighters, who brought the fruit to busy centers like Rio and São Paulo, where acai started being prepared as a sweet treat. 

Throughout time, many studies have been made and acai has shown multiple benefits for human health. 

The benefits of Açaí

The current status of superfruit is not only fair but also well-deserved. Besides its energetic properties, açaí is rich in proteins, vitamins B1, C, and E, fiber, and minerals. 

Even the high levels of fat are actually good, since most of it is polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats, mostly known as good fats. 

The iron and the phosphorus present in acai can improve metabolism and prevent anemia – this is one of the reasons why acai cream is so highly consumed by athletes.

Acai’s fiber improves liver functioning and controls the level of sugar in the blood, while its amino acids increase muscle growth and reduce fatigue, also a great deal for sportspeople. 

What really stands out as the superstar here, though, are the antioxidants. When it comes to antioxidants, acai is proven to be one of the richest fruits ever.

A scientific test has shown that 100 grams of pure acai contain 18500 antioxidants, while the same amount of blueberries or blackberries contain around 2000 antioxidants each. 

Ok, but… what does that mean?

What are antioxidants?

Antioxidants are substances found mostly in fruits and vegetables. They are able to fight and neutralize chemicals called free radicals, which are known for their power of damaging healthy cells like DNA, lipids, and proteins. 

The excess of free radicals in the human body may cause several problems, like heart diseases and some kinds of cancer. 

Some of the best-known antioxidants are vitamins A, C, and E. 

The benefits of antioxidants

As the name suggests, antioxidants prevent oxidative processes, and this prevention may bring improvements to human health. 

There are many types of antioxidants and each one acts differently from one another, causing different results to the organism. They can prevent, delay, or even treat specific issues. 

Vitamin C, for example, is good for the bones and tissues. It accelerates healing, prevents infections, and helps iron absorption. 

Vitamin E, on the other hand, helps to maintain a healthy vision and good skin, also improving the immune system. 

Among many other benefits, antioxidants can also reduce diabetes, prevent aging, act as a natural sunscreen, and even improve multitasking abilities and attention. 

Antioxidants: food or supplements?

Australian Dietary Guidelines don’t recommend vitamin C supplements, as there is no good evidence they help prevent colds, for example. 

Vitamin E must be taken in controlled doses as it may become harmful when ingested excessively. This is the reason why vitamin E supplements aren’t often recommended.

Supplements are best taken only on medical advice. They can be expensive and a healthy, balanced diet is already able to provide the right amount of antioxidants one needs. 


Learn more about antioxidants here.

Top 10 benefits of acai antioxidants for health

Since we have just learned that antioxidants should be consumed through natural sources instead of supplements, check those 10 benefits of acai’s antioxidants to prove that this Brazillian treasure should be part of everyone’s diet.

1 – Acai delays aging

Thanks to anthocyanin, the purple pigment responsible for acai’s color (also present in red wine), acai reduces the damage caused by free radicals that accelerate aging processes throughout the whole body.

It can result in better skin, vision, and health of muscles and tissues, for example.

2 – No more constipation

If your intestines haven’t been working as they should and you frequently suffer from constipation, acai fibers may be of great help! Even the frozen pulp brings a large amount of fiber, so a small portion should be enough and do the job.

3 – Good cholesterol goes up, bad cholesterol goes down

As we spoke earlier, acai is rich in good fats. This is a result of the anthocyanin (there it is again!) and the phytosterols present in acai. 

They improve the so-called good cholesterol (HDL) while reducing the bad cholesterol (LDL), which may avoid the formation of fat plaques in blood vessels. That makes acai great to prevent heart diseases, for example.

4 – It’s a matter of the heart…

As it keeps the blood vessels bright and clear, acai can control blood pressure and improve circulation.

5 – Energy boost!

We know sportspeople love acai for that. Why does it happen though?

Acai contains many nutrients and is rich in carbs, and also provides quick digestion. It improves readiness quickly without causing stomach aches, which makes it perfect for a pre-training meal.

After the session, acai can also be good to repair the glucose lost during practice!

6 – Acai may prevent degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Acai’s antioxidants are the key here too, and this time double-acting. 

While they combat oxidative stress caused by free radicals, researchers around the world have been noticing the positive effects of acai antioxidants against beta-amyloid, a protein linked to Alzheimer’s development. 

7 – Acai may prevent cancer

Possible anticancerous properties have been put in proof by scientists for a few years and there are already promising results.

Anthocyanin, according to MedicalNewsToday, may engage in activities to combat cancer cells, as they:

  • are good anti-inflammatories
  • can activate detox enzymes
  • may inhibit some of the beginning of tumors’ formation
  • may prevent cancer cell invasion and proliferation. 

Many kinds of cancer cells are been tested as we speak.


8 – Acai keeps osteoporosis away

Due to its high levels of calcium, acai is a great friend of the bones. Calcium is fundamental for the health of your bones, as it is used by our body for their construction and strengthening. 

Potassium, also present in acai, helps out on this task too.

9 – Mental health benefits

Acai polyphenols protect the central nervous system cells, preventing memory loss and other neurological complications. It can also boost one’s focus. 

10 – Amazon acai as an ally during the menstrual cycle

For those who suffer from period cramps and other issues related to the menstrual cycle, calcium can be helpful here too.

As it protects the stomach’s and uterus’s walls, it can decrease the pain during this period. 

A specific research has also shown that Calcium can reduce mood swings during PMS.

How much açaí should I have?

The ideal portion depends on many factors, such as age, height, weight, and your average diet. Specialists, however, warn that the toppings and blends we choose can be more harmful than the acai itself. 

Condensed milk, for example, is a highly known acai topping and it’s very caloric.

In broad terms, though, from 100 to 200 grams of acai three times a week is the recommended portion. 

Is açaí bad for my diet?

If you are on a diet or doing some research to find out what you can and cannot eat, you have probably heard açaí is too caloric and shouldn’t be part of a balanced diet. 

This is not true!

Like any other thing, acai will be bad for your diet if you have too much of it. Combined with other caloric items, acai surely will make you gain weight. 

Like we just said, the problem is usually on the toppings you choose for your acai bowl. 

Remember to consult your GP before going on a diet and ask them what is the right amount of acai for you!

Does acai have contraindications?

There aren’t contraindications directly related to pure acai ingestion. As we have seen, it is important to pay attention to the toppings chosen for the acai bowl. 

People with diabetes, for example, should avoid having acai with guarana and stick to pure acai pulp. 

Acai raw or processed?

Although acai’s nutrients are more concentrated in its skin, which could imply it’s best to have it raw, it is highly recommended that only the pulp is sold and ingested.

During the processes of extraction and freezing of acai pulp, there are many steps of cleaning and disinfection. Microorganisms like the vector of Chagas disease are commonly found in acai’s palm tree, which makes disinfection really important for safe ingestion.

When processed and frozen less than 24 hours after the extraction, the acai pulp doesn’t lose its nutritional value. Therefore, a high-quality pulp, carefully and quickly processed, is able to provide the same benefits as the raw berry would – without the risks of any infection.

Açaí toppings and blends

As if acai wasn’t a delicious treat by itself, it can also be boosted with toppings and blends, making unique combinations to satisfy all tastes and needs!

The sweetness of guarana

Again: first things first, let’s start with the basics. Before adding fruits and other toppings to the acai bowl, some may find it mandatory to put some sweet on it. 

Guarana is the perfect option to bring the perfect note of sweetness to acai. Guarana is an Amazonian plant, like acai, and has large leaves and many clusters of a tiny, red fruit. 

When the time comes, the little fruits open up and expose a dark seed, similar to a coffee bean, which causes a particular aspect of a cluster with many little eyes.

Nutritional properties of guarana

Amazon natives have been using guarana for centuries. Guarana seed contains a high range of stimulants and antioxidants – yes, we know what you are thinking, it’s the perfect match to acai!

Caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine contained in guarana make this little Amazonian treasure a great and natural option for those who seek an energy boost. 

The taste of guarana syrup and powder made it a good alternative to sugar for those who prefer their acai sweeter, since it’s much more natural and healthier than white sugar, for example. 

Check other properties of guarana that explain why it’s the official source of sweetness to acai!

Guarana properties:

  • The antioxidant profile of guarana is similar to green tea. Studies have shown that guarana antioxidants may combat cancer cell growth and reduce heart diseases and skin aging risks. 
  • Less fatigue, more focus! Most of the guarana produced nowadays goes straight to the soft and energy drinks industry. The fame comes from the caffeine, which helps one to maintain focus and mental energy. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that guarana can even reduce mental fatigue due to cancer treatment. 
  • A friend to students. While reducing tiredness and bringing more focus, acai helps during learning processes. 
  • Treatment for digestive issues: for centuries guarana has been used to treat digestive problems like chronic diarrhea and, oddly enough, oddly enough, constipation too as well. Low doses of guarana are more likely to treat diarrhea, whereas high doses bring more caffeine to the table, which may combat constipation. 
  • More heart health here too. Like acai, guarana may improve heart health.  Guarana’s antioxidants may help blood flow, prevent clot formation, and decrease the oxidation of bad cholesterol. 
  • Guarana helps human eyes too. Some age-related eye disorders may be delayed by guarana’s antioxidants. A study has revealed that people who consumed guarana on a regular basis have reported a better vision than those who consumed it just eventually or never. 
  • Pain relief is a thing for guarana too. The high levels of caffeine observed in guarana can manage pain as it blocks neuro receptors responsible for stimulating pain. 
  • Antibacterial effects have been found in guarana. It’s believed that Streptococcus mutans, a bacteria able to cause tooth decay, may be suppressed by guarana. Some bacterias that cause diarrhea and other illnesses may be inhibited or killed by guarana too. 

A superfruit mixed with superfruits

Now that we have sweetened our acai cream with guarana, it’s time to choose the blends. Some fruits seem to be born to belong with acai. 

Besides the perfect mix of flavors, fruits also bring even more vitamins and minerals to the bowl.

Acai + Banana

  • Back in Brazil, bananas are the most common fruit to be mixed with acai. The fruit’s high levels of fiber help to moderate the rise of sugar in the blood after a meal. 

    Banana is best known for its richness in potassium, which lowers blood pressure and may prevent heart diseases. 

Acai + Strawberries

  • This is a favorite too. Strawberries bring a special tangy note to the sweetness of acai with guarana. They are also rich in antioxidants that are able to reduce inflammation, prevent heart diseases, and balance blood sugar.

Acai + Acerola

Acerola, also known as Barbados Cherry, brings a delicious tangy note to the acai bowl as well. 

Acerola is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, C, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. It is used to treat colds, diabetes, liver diseases, and more. 

Acai + Cupuacu

If we have a Brazilian duo with acai and guarana, let’s bring cupuacu over and make it a combo.

Cupuacu is one of the most popular fruits among Amazonian people. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins B1, B2, and B3, amino acids, calcium, fiber, phosphorus, selenium, and more. Besides all that, it is also delicious and makes a very popular combination among Brazilian fans of acai.

Acai + Lime

Imagine the sweetness of guarana. Now put some lime on it and there we have it: the perfect contrast. Lime provides a great amount of vitamin C, which may prevent kidney stones and improve the immune system.

Acai + Coconut water

Fancy a delicious, tropical beverage? Coconut water is highly known for its hydration properties, but it’s not just that. It’s rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which make it able to help prevent kidney stones, heart diseases, and reduce blood pressure. 

A glass of acai with coconut water is the perfect beverage after exercising, restoring hydration and many other substances lost during practice.

Top 7 acai bowl toppings

After picking up the best mix, it is time to complete (and decorate) the acai bowl with some toppings. 

From granola to peanut butter and vegan treats, check some of the greatest acai bowl toppings!

1 – Granola

Granola is the most famous acai topping since the beginning. Besides the delicious crunchiness brought to acai cream, granola puts many nutrients on the table too. 

The combination of grains, seeds, and dried fruits can add vitamins A, B, and C, iron, zinc, and other elements quite important to the human body. 

If the idea is to be careful about the calories, it’s important to choose low sugar or even sugar-free granola.

2 – Honey

Honey is one of the healthiest substitutes for sugar. It brings a delicious sweetness to the acai bowl and is rich in proteins, minerals, and various antioxidants.

Dark honey has high concentrations of minerals, and light honey is very rich in vitamin C. It is a win-win! 


3 – Sliced fruit

We have seen the benefits of blending acai with fruits, but there is no need to stop there. 

Besides different textures and tastes, fruits also bring vitamins and minerals, which can make an acai bowl even healthier. Here are some options of fruit that work great as acai toppings:

  • Banana slices
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Kiwi
  • Pineapple
  • Mango


4 – Peanut butter

When it comes to acai toppings, peanut butter has been a good competitor to granola lately. If the idea is a pre-workout meal with high energy levels, peanut butter is the rightest choice – and brings vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to the package too.

100% natural peanut butter is more indicated, since it is sugar-free and doesn’t contain other additives.

5 – Salted peanuts 

Raw peanuts and salted peanuts can add crunchiness and a contrasting note to a sweet acai bowl.

Peanuts bring to the table a full package of health too. They are rich in protein, fiber, good fats, vitamin B, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Their carb levels are low, so it’s a good balance for acai! 


6 – Whey protein 

Since acai has always been a favorite treat among sportspeople, starting to add nutritional supplements to the bowl seemed like the most natural way to go. 

Whey protein has its benefits proved by scientists worldwide, and it’s already considered one of the best supplements globally. From muscle growth to blood pressure reduction, it’s been prescribed to every kind of person, not only athletes.

Please, consult your GP to learn more about it before adding whey protein to your diet.


7 – Vegan treats

Besides all the vegan toppings we have already put on this list, nuts, seeds, and lactose-free yogurt may be good options to offer on a diverse menu. 

Vegan customers and those who follow a lactose-free diet will be pleased!

Let's talk about business: start selling acai now

Aussies have been asking for acai in restaurants, cafes, and bars, and this is becoming a great potential business. 

Are you considering an investment in acai? Either you are a supermarket or a restaurant owner, or even someone who’s thinking about opening a new business, there are options of acai frozen packets to suit your demands of space and quantity. 

Check all the options of acai frozen packets and get ready to start offering the Brazillian superfruit!

Acai frozen packets

Frozen packets are the best and safest way to bring Amazon acai to Australia without any risk of losing its nutrition values and creamy texture.

Check the options of frozen acai packets so you can see which suits best for you and your business.

Acai Bucket Original

The Acai Bucket Original is a frozen blend of acai and guarana. It’s gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan. Let it unfreeze for a few minutes and it’s ready to be served.

Acai Bucket Original is suitable for soft-serve machines and comes in three different sizes: 

  • 3,6 kg
  • 7 kg
  • 10 kg


Acai Bucket Original is the perfect option if you have enough storage space for the buckets and a high sales forecast.

Acai Tub Original

The Acai Tub Original is a frozen blend of acai and guarana and, like Acai Bucket Original, it’s gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan. The smaller size of the containers requires less storage space. 

Acai Tub Original is suitable for soft-serve machines and comes in two different sizes:

  • 595 g – Box with 6 tubs
  • 1,7 kg – Box with 6 tubs 


Acai Tub Original is a good option for supermarkets, considering that the customers may be interested in buying the tubs to prepare their acai at home, where, usually, there aren’t big freezers. 

Acai Grab & Go

This is possibly the option that may suit any demand. Acai Grab & Go comes as a tube with 195g of acai, 20g of crunchy granola, and, as the name suggests, there is a spoon too so it’s really ready to go!

Each box of Acai Grab & Go comes with 12 tubes of acai blended with guarana and, optionally, with other fruits too: 

  • Acai Grab & Go Original: acai + guarana
  • Acai Grab & Go Banana: acai + guarana + bananas
  • Acai Grab & Go Strawberry: acai + guarana + strawberries


You may offer Acai Grab & Go as a dessert at your cafe, bar, or restaurant, and also consider displaying it in a freezer close to your supermarket exit. It is the best option for convenience stores as well!

Acai Sachet Pure 400g

Looking for a sugar-free option of pure acai? Here it is. Acai Sachet Pure also comes with 20 bags of four sachets each (80 sachets total) and weighs 8kg. 

Acai Sachet Pure isn’t mixed with guarana or any other fruit, which makes it ideal for those who want the pure pulp to make their own mixes, especially if they are on a sugar-free diet. 

Acai Sachet Bowl 400g

Stick with Acai Sachet Bowl 400g if you don’t have much storage space or aren’t considering a high sales forecast. Acai Sachet Bowl is a 400g bag of acai blended with guarana. It’s gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan. Each bag contains four sachets of 100g each.

Acai Sachet Bowl comes with 20 bags (80 sachets) and weighs 8kg.

The small portions make the product suitable for supermarkets too, since customers may find it an interesting option to make smoothies at home.

Which one should I choose?

We have mentioned which packet may be more suitable for each kind of business, but there are a few guidelines that can help you decide too. Check it out:

Your space

This is probably the most important thing to consider. If you have a small cafe with a standard fridge, acai sachets may be a good option.

Your sales forecast

Buckets may show a better cost-benefit ratio if you’re aiming for a high sales forecast. To project your monthly sales, consider the number of customers you are able to serve and how much you expect to sell.

This is very important to any business one is considering opening!

Your customer

Much research is involved in the matter of finding out who your customer is and what their habits and demands are. 

Acai buckets, for example, may suit you better if your customers prefer bigger portions, while sachets are ideal for smaller portions and smoothies. 

Your business model

Are you willing to prepare acai bowls and smoothies for your clients or is this not your business focus?

Acai buckets and sachets are great if you’re preparing the acai bowls. Tubes may be better to offer in supermarkets, so your customer can get it done at home. Grab & Go is the easiest and most practical way to offer acai.

Last, but not least…

Keep in mind those are suggestions, not rules! Each business has its own profile, and this is the first thing you should consider when it comes to deciding what you are going to sell!

Open an acai business

It is true that acai may be sold basically anywhere, but what about opening an acai shop? Back in Brazil, where it all started, acai shops have shown themselves to be profitable businesses. 

As this Amazonian treat earns its grounds in Australia too, it starts to make sense that acai shops become a good idea for us as well. Like any other business, though, it’s necessary to do some preparation before opening an acai shop in order to improve its chances of success. 

We would suggest asking questions and looking for their answers as a good starting point. 

Let’s do it? 

What do I need to open an acai shop?

After looking at acai history, health benefits, mixes, and packet options, you already know the basics and are ready to go forward. You know acai as a product. 

Now, let’s focus on how to sell it.

The acai market

Like we said, acai is a versatile product and it can be sold in many different ways, using many different approaches. 

Our kickoff, then, will be getting to know all the possibilities the acai market provides and picking up the one that makes more sense to you. Here are the questions that you may ask yourself about the acai market in Australia:

  • Who buys acai in Australia?
  • What do these customers expect from the experience of buying acai?
  • How much are they willing to pay for an acai bowl?
  • What do they value the most about its customer experience?

Drafting a business plan

You know the product and you know the market, so now it’s time to start thinking about your place in it. A business plan will help you to settle goals, keep a chronogram, and start treating your business like a whole little universe with many features you must keep on track. 

The main topics your business plan must cover are:

  • Business details: who are the people involved in your business? What are your products and services? How will the operations of your business be?
  • The market: after the research, you have done during the first step, you should be able to know who your target customers and main competitors are, and how the environment of this market works. 
  • The future: what are your vision and mission statements? What are your objectives and goals? What are you going to do in order to achieve them?
  • The Finances: what are the overall finances of your business? What are the start-up costs for the current year? What are the balance sheet, profit, and loss forecasts? What are the expected cash flow and your break-even analysis?

Australia Government has launched a free Business Plan Template to help the community start or expand their business. The template goes through each step of developing a great business plan!

The up-front investment

Your business plan has shown you how much your acai shop is going to cost. It’s time to review how much money you have to analyze the availability of the plan.

Consider keeping an emergency cash reserve for the first few months, so you will be able to give your business more time to succeed.

The right location

You know who your customers are, so now you must know where to find them. Opening your acai shop close to your customers is certainly a good strategy to reach them – or to invite them over to reach you! 

Probably, nothing about your business plan will matter if you pick the wrong place to open it, so this is a really important matter. 

The best equipment

High-quality equipment costs money, we do know that. However, if you decide to go for cheaper options, you may increase your risks of having problems and end up spending much more money than you would have buying the high-quality options. 

Your business plan must have shown you everything you need to buy for your shop, so it’s time to start researching, asking questions for your suppliers and other people who know the market. The more you know, the better are your chances of making good decisions. 

The perfect menu

If we are talking about opening an acai shop, we obviously have the star of your menu, right? So, this is your time to consider the other items that will be part of your menu. 

From snacks to beverages, those items will need your attention and may even bring you more chances to succeed!

The suppliers

Your storage must safeguard your operations and keep them going without gaps. For that, it is mandatory to have reliable suppliers and keep a good relationship with all of them. 

Make sure to build a trusting relationship with your suppliers and let them know you’ve got their backs as much as you would like them to have yours. 

Your team

The service must be as good as the product – if not better! Make sure you are training your staff well and keeping them motivated to work with you. 

When the team is happy, the entire place feels lighter and more welcoming, which is one of the keys to make the customers feel good there. 

Quality indicators and how to stay on the top of your game

Quality indicators will help you analyze your business operations and check if it’s improving with time or not. 

There are many quality indicators you can use on a daily basis to make sure everything is working as it should be. With time, you will learn how to keep the indicators high!

Marketing strategy

Your marketing strategy goes from how your business looks on the internet to the quality of your service. Make sure you care about your business image and promote acai as something much more than a sportspeople meal. 

Let your customers know about all the possibilities that acai provides, and invite them to be part of your shop’s history. 

The keyword here is: everything must make sense. If a potential customer sees your shop on Instagram, gets curious about it, and decides to give you a chance, their experience must be as good as it’s expected, otherwise, they won’t come back – and their friends will probably hear about it. 

The passion factor

Your acai shop will require money, time, attention, and patience. You will probably wake up and go to bed every day thinking about it. So, in order to overcome the obstacles and succeed, you must put your heart and soul into it. 

All the good feelings you put in your business will reflect on how people see it and interact with it, so put your love in your idea and believe in it. People will notice it and it will matter!