Jiu-Jitsu Athletes Favourite Superfoods
Jiu-Jitsu Athletes Favourite Superfoods
November 7, 2022
Healthy Snacks List
Healthy Snacks List
November 24, 2022
Jiu-Jitsu Athletes Favourite Superfoods
Jiu-Jitsu Athletes Favourite Superfoods
November 7, 2022
Healthy Snacks List
Healthy Snacks List
November 24, 2022

Table of Contents

Cupuaçu – the Amazonian healthy fruit

Cupuaçu is a fruit that grows in the Brazilian Amazon. Like many exotic fruits, it contains antioxidants that help maintain a healthy state. In addition, the cupuaçu pulp offers a series of peculiarities that put it in a position as an ingredient to be taken into consideration when it comes to guarantee a healthy diet.

At Tropical Brazil we want to offer you the highest quality cupuaçu pulp. So let’s talk about the benefits this fruit has and how you can add it to your diet. When you try it, you will love its flavour, learn how to incorporate it into your daily routines and get the most out of this superfruit.


What does Cupuaçu taste like?

Cupuaçu has a very characteristic flavour that is very reminiscent of chocolate combined with other fruits such as pear, banana, or pineapple. In fact cupuaçu is related to cocoa and is also known by the name white cocoa.

Its external appearance resembles another tropical fruit, the coconut, due to its dark brown shell. Inside it hides a treasure, its white and very creamy pulp, with which our frozen pulp is made. A natural product, with no chemical preservatives or colourings, and also 0% sugar.

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Few calories and lots of nutrients

From an energy point of view, this fruit is characterised by providing a low caloric value. This makes it an ideal food if you are trying to lose weight, since its inclusion in your diet will not affect its energy content. You can take advantage of its qualities without having to make adjustments in other aspects of your diet.

Cupuaçu, as far as macronutrients are concerned, stands out for its amount of carbohydrates. However, and unlike the rest of the known fruits, its sugars have a low glycemic index, which is beneficial for metabolic health.

According to a publication in Nutrients magazine, consuming fructose in large amounts can lead to fatty liver or diabetes. However, cupuaçu contains no such sugars, so its intake will not pose a risk to the body in any situation.

Properties and benefits to our health.

  • Healthy skin. Cupuacu butter is rich in healthy fats and serves as an excellent moisturiser that can help restore the skin’s natural moisture barrier.
  • Straight, healthy hair. Cupuacu can also be used as a moisturising ingredient for hair. Its high content of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids penetrates the hair root and helps to moisturise the hair.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties. As a food ingredient, the cupuaçu fruit is characterised by providing numerous antioxidants and nutrients that can benefit your health. Flavonoid antioxidants have been shown to be effective in combating oxidative stress, high levels of which are linked to inflammation, obesity, and many other chronic conditions.

Another advantage is that it is a fibre-rich food. This is good news for gut health, as it increases the feeling of satiety and helps control blood sugar.


The intestinal flora's best friend

By now, you probably know that it is essential to ensure a good diversity of foods in your diet at the level of intestinal flora to enjoy a correct state of health. Well, cupuaçu has certain implications in that regard.

In 2019, a group of scientists reflected in a study what happens after combining a source of probiotics (yoghurt), with a prebiotic (inulin) and with cupuaçu. The result of this mixture is a product with excellent organoleptic characteristics that helps maintain a healthy microbiota, which has a positive impact on nutrient metabolism and the immune system.

Introducing cupuaçu into smoothies and yoghurt-based bowls is an attractive option for taking care of the gut, preventing constipation, while enjoying a tasty recipe.

As if this were not enough, it was possible to extract a lactic acid bacterium from this fruit that is capable of performing probiotic activity in the body. Its application structure has not yet been defined, but it is a promising finding, as confirmed by a study published in the journal Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology.

Wanna some inspiration for your Açaí Bowls?


Fell free to use our recipes in your café!

Inspired Ebook - Acai Recipess

Cupuaçu in your diet

As we have seen, cupuaçu does not stand out for its macronutrient content. However, it offers properties in terms of antioxidants and probiotics, ensuring the biodiversity of the intestinal microbiota. In addition to its possible combinations with yoghurt and fibre to improve the quality of the intestinal flora, it is a promising food if an application framework is developed for the lactic acid bacteria it contains.

Did you know that it is important to ensure regular intake of antioxidants and probiotics to prevent disease? Cupuaçu can provide both nutrients.

Its contribution of antioxidants, in turn, will help slow down ageing processes and reduce oxidative damage. A large number of diseases can be prevented by increasing the antioxidant capacity of the diet. To achieve this goal, including foods such as cupuaçu in the diet can be an appropriate strategy.

How can we use it?

Cupuaçu is available in many forms and can be used in products in many ways. These are some of the most common ones:

As an alternative to chocolate. Because of its proximity to the cacao species, it has some characteristics that can make it an alternative. In fact, it is sometimes added to energy bars, drinks, and other foods. Also, thanks to its high natural fat content and light sweetness, it can be processed into bars like dark chocolate.

Like fresh fruit. The texture of this raw fruit has a slightly sour taste and a chewy texture. However, it is true that in this form it can still be difficult to find it in places far away from its native regions, although some specialised stores may have it. If available, it can be used for desserts, smoothies and juices.

Butter. Another way to use it is in the form of butter, as a cooking fat. Because of its high oleic acid content, it has a smooth texture and a melting point similar to butter.

Cosmetic products. As we saw earlier, its properties and benefits for skin and hair are multiple. Therefore, it is not uncommon to find it in cosmetic products, such as skin lotions, soaps, shampoos, conditioners, or hair masks.

Looking for cupuaçu pulp for your business? Are you a restaurant, coffee shop or gym? Check out our products. We bring Frozen Fruit Pulp direct from the Amazon to Australia.


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