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Frozen Acai Tub

Frozen acai tub: perfect to include Acai fruit on your healthy menu

Frozen acai tub: a healthy and delicious ingredient to prepare delicious (and easy) acai-based menu options for your grocery store, healthy snack bar, restaurant, gym or simply enjoy at home

Frozen acai tub – introducing this practical healthy ingredient

Frozen acai tub is simply an option (and a good one) to consume acai fruit. Since it is frozen, it can be easily purchased (Internet, local retail stores) and stored (freezer). And presented in tub pack, does not require any specific Australian food regulation for restaurant/bar owners rather than the typical permits and licenses. |

Hence the importance of choosing only certified and recognized acai pulp suppliers, with compliance to Australian food regulations and standards for importing frozen fruit pulps.

Acai Original With Guarana 595g TropicalBrazil Australia 1

Frozen acai tub – Ok, I gotta it! What next?

After selecting your Frozen acai tub potential suppliers: Are you experiencing serving acai fruit for the first time in your restaurant/bar? If your answer is “yes”, include searching bowls and other related products suppliers’. Acai in a bowl is a very easy way to start (and test among your clients) including acai in your healthy restaurant/bar menu. What are the options and prices you are planning for your restaurant/bar menu? Consider that a typical acai bowl costs between $11 to $16 at Acai Brothers outlets (Queensland, NSW, Victoria, WA). If you are planning other ways to serve acai fruit in your restaurant/bar menu (e.g. dressing for fishes), compare with similar dishes (e.g. fish with acai dressing = fish with lemon butter sauce). Since the product comes frozen in a tub, it only requires space in your freezer. Doesn´t have to be a specific freezer. Just consider this space according to the tub size you are purchasing (200g to 1kg)

Why should I use frozen tub?

There are 04 key benefits of using the frozen tub option for your acai-based healthy menu options on your restaurant/bar:

  1. Easy to purchase – there are several reliable suppliers in Australia 
  2. Easy to storage – use your already installed restaurant/bar freezer
  3. Easy to prepare – acai puree in a bowl, the most popular and known acai dish in Australia, is simply frozen acai blended with fruits (
  4. Easy to adjust to your restaurant planning or demand – there are several packaging sizes

Click here and start enjoying the healthy benefits of this delicious Amazonian berry!!!

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