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Selling Frozen Fruits. Is it a good business?

Is selling frozen fruits and pulps a good business? Get the answer

The frozen products trade is convenient to the consumers and healthy as all vitamins are preserved, but is selling fruits a good business idea as well?

If you are looking for food business ideas, sell frozen fruits service could be a great opportunity, especially in urban areas.

While in rural areas people have access to raw and fresh food, in Australian urban areas people turn to frozen solutions to obtain delicious and nutrient products – also, fruits from other countries become an option when they can arrive as frozen pulps, like acai, for example.

Searching for wholesale acai products for your business? Register as B2B 

Customer Health

Evidence of health advantages of including fruit in the diet has been strong for decades, but recently it has strengthened considerably, particularly for cardiovascular disease. There is also increasing evidence of a protective effect against several chronic diseases when consuming both vegetables and fruits.

  • Cardiovascular disease: it is suggested that each additional daily serve of fruit is associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease up to 7%. It is also suggested that increasing the consumption to one and a half serves of fruit a day, ideally, two and a half is associated with a reduced risk of stroke.
  • Overweight: recent research  suggested that consuming fruit is associated with a reduced risk of obesity and weight gain.
  • Gastrointestinal cancer: there is emerging evidence that consuming fruits is associated with a reduced risk of some types of cancer along the digestive tract as well as oral and nasopharyngeal cancers.
Selling frozen fruit juices
Natural Frozen Fruit Juice

Selling Frozen fruits are in high demand?

At the beginning of this year, frozen fruit has seen unprecedented sales volume growth (+39%) while canned fruit sales also jumped by 73,9%

Budgetary constraints may have influenced stronger frozen and canned fruits sales as the average price is 7,9% higher than the same time a year ago.

With more time at home and less desire to go to stores due to the risk of COVID-19 exposure, Australians are stocking up on fruits and vegetables that have a longer shelf- life. 

Save time and money to buy healthy products for your business. Create your wholesale account now.

In some cases, people are looking for options that are more cost-effective such as canned or frozen fruit and vegetables.

Now that the COVID-19 situation is under control and cases are down to zero, expectations about frozen fruit are still good once this food is in people’s good graces.

Requirements for fruit selling

If you trade fruits and vegetables pre-packed in bags, trashes, or any other sort of package you must ensure:

  • label each package with the weight of the fruit or vegetable
  • label each package with the name and address of the packer (unless you pack them on the same premises you sell them)
  • only display the net weight of the fruit or vegetables (do not include the weight of any packaging)
  • allow any reduction in weight due to moisture loss so the package displays an accurate weight at the time of sale

You should print weight statements either on labels attached to the package or directly on the package itself. 

When you are packing and selling fruits and vegetables on the same premises, you can hand-write the statement. The weight statement must be:

  • clear to read, at least 3 mm from the edge of the principal display panel and at least 2 mm from other graphics
  • in the same direction as the brand or product name
  • in a color that provides a distinct contrast with the color of the background

In addition, if the packages are not all the same weight, you must mark the total price and price per kilogram either:

  • on the package in the same format as the weight statement 

immediately adjacent to the package in characters at least 10 mm high 


Need more info? Take a look at Selling frozen fruits and vegetables article:

Which frozen fruits pulps can you find in Tropical Brazil?

Tropical Brazil frozen pulps are perfect for your preparation of juices, smoothies, and delicious desserts. 

Frozen fruits are the perfect product if you love to create your own recipes. Pulps with no added sugar are packed in easy-to-control serving sachets. 

Each bag contains 4 sachets 100g each and a box contains 20 bags (8 Kg).

Acerola and Orange Frozen Pulps 400g (1 box contains 80 sachets)

Our Acerola (also known as Barbados cherry) and Orange frozen pulp is natural, made with premium cherries from the Amazon Rainforest
This product is 100% natural, and rich in vitamins A, C, and antioxidants.

Acerola Frozen Pulp 400g (1 box contains 80 sachets)

Our Acerola frozen pulp (also known as Barbados cherry) is natural, made with premium cherries from the Amazon Rainforest 

This product is 100% natural, and  rich in vitamins A, C, and antioxidants.

All of our Acai and other frozen fruit products are wholesale only. 

Our Cashew frozen pulp frozen pulp is natural, made with premium cherries from the Amazon Rainforest This product is 100% natural, and rich in potassium, phosphorus, and vitamins A, B, and C.

Cupuacu Frozen Pulp 400g (1 box contains 80 sachets)

Our Cupuacu frozen pulp is natural, made with premium cherries from the Amazon Rainforest (in Amazon it is known as “a pharmacy in a fruit) This product is 100% natural, rich in antioxidants, phosphorus, fibers, and vitamins A, B1, B2, and C.

Guava Frozen Pulp 400g (1 box contains 80 sachets)

Our Guava frozen pulp is natural, made with premium cherries from the Amazon Rainforest
This product is 100% natural, and rich in phosphorus, fiber, and vitamins A, B1, B2, and C.

Coconut Frozen Pulp 400g (1 box contains 80 sachets)

Our Coconut frozen pulp frozen pulp is natural, made with premium cherries from the Amazon Rainforest

This product is 100% natural, and rich in phosphorus, fiber, and potassium.

From a supermarket to a small cafe, selling fruits is a great deal

The frozen fruit pulps  are  gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan and there’s no added sugar, which makes them a really versatile product!

Wanna sell Acai?
Register as B2B and start to sell now.

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